First Impression On Miley Cyrus, Sugarland, Nine Inch Nails

The reality is that she has more hits than any body can imagine under both Miley Cyrus and alias Hannah Montana, but recently people are talking more about her lifestyle, the half-nude photo, etc. and forget about her music somehow. She has a very promising music career ahead of her considering that she is still a teenager and the fact that she really pull it off.
The new album is highly-anticipated. A lot of singles were released before hands and at some point I kind of can't remember which are the new singles for the new albums since her songs seem to be always on the chart. Obviously Miley Cyrus is better than her contemporaries such as Lindsey Lohan, Hilary Duff, etc simply because Miley Cyrus has a better voice, or should I say a husky voice and that rocks. That makes her music feel more mature and worth the dime. 7 Things is a great song. I do think that Miley Cyrus is a very talented kid. Her father's last album did well maybe even because of her.
Their new effort is a comeback for such a adorable band whose first album was so successful that they couldn't even believe it themselves. They put more country spirit into Love On The Inside. It is refreshing and fairly good. Last week actually what was released was a special edition, and this week saw the standard version of the album released. It will surely boost the album sale. They might move up to number one next week.
Another interesting album is Nine Inch Nail's once digitally-free one Slip. It finally got a physical release, but only limited to 250000 units, which means it probably has been sold out and will be worth a lot of money in the future. I can't get the grasp the meaning of industrial rock. Call it electronic or alternative if you want. Slip is only half-good and half-bad. Certain instrumental tracks have a very atmospheric aura around them. After being properly remixed, I think they have potential to become club hits.